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Are Your Pet Birds Getting The Most Out Of Its Food?
How to Maintain a Balanced Diet
What should I feed my pet bird? Is an all pellet diet terrible? How do I know when my bird is full? These are some of the many questions that we hear daily. Here at the NYBird Supply, we sell food and seed mixes for various bird species, including Finches, Parrots, African Greys, Parakeets, Canaries, Lovebirds, and more. Each bird species requires a different diet that is essential to their health, and we are here to teach you all about it. Your pet bird’s diet should consist of foods they prefer and a variety of foods necessary for a balanced diet that provides nutrition to keep your bird healthy.
Why are Balanced Diets Important?
Birds are the most difficult animals to care because they are more susceptible to disease and possibly death. The number one ‘disease’ condition in pet birds is malnutrition, which sets them up for secondary infections. Birds have a much more efficient respiratory system and metabolism compared to humans. Due to their high metabolic rate, birds are more likely to develop nutritional diseases versus other animals.
Birds must be fed foods that meet the nutritional requirements that exceed their high metabolisms. Birds need to maintain the required ingredients for feather production, healthy skin, and the right attitude. It also helps birds molt with fewer complications. Breeding birds perform at their highest on a nutritionally complete and balanced diet.
What Type of Diet Should My Bird Have?
A well-balanced diet includes dried vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts, pellets, and seeds. This combination of food will ensure that your pet bird gets all of the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins needed to thrive. A seed-only diet lacks two essential nutrients: Vitamin A & Calcium. Without these nutrients, birds cannot protect themselves from respiratory diseases, intestinal tracts, metabolic bone disease, and egg binding. Seeds also contain a high amount of fat, leading to obesity, heart disease, and liver dysfunction. Throughout the breeding season, their bodies tend to gauge a lot. Since seeds are high in richness and fat, it can cause hormones to activate earlier and unwanted behaviors.
Pellet-only diets offer the joy of finding and foraging food in the same way that natural foods can. Also, Pellets are processed foods that are high in protein levels, which is dangerous for some species of parrot, and causes a lack of certain types of necessary vitamins. Studies have shown levels too high for some species, including but not limited to cockatiels and Pionus parrots.
When it comes to feeding pet birds, it is essential to acknowledge that not all bird species will rely on the same diet type. But, all bird species should receive their nutrients and vitamins from a combination of fruits and vegetables. Fresh or dried fruit and vegetables are the best source for vitamins, nutrients, carbohydrates, and minerals for your bird. Occasionally, you can serve your pet bird legumes as a way to offer them a source of fiber and protein. These three diets vary in need and necessity, depending on the species of the bird.
Which Foods Can My Bird Eat?
Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of each diet, it’s time to talk about which foods your bird can eat. All bird species can eat almost every fresh or dried fruit and vegetable or legumes. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Avoid feeding your bird onions, garlic, avocados, caffeinated products, chocolate, salt, oil, sugar, fruit pits and seeds, and foods with artificial sweeteners or enhancers. Fresh greens such as Spinach, Lettuce, and Kale are high in antioxidants that boost their immune systems. Apples, pitless cherries, elderberries, plums, mulberries, cranberries, or any nutritious fruit that humans consume are good for birds too. Fresh or dried fruits help with breeding, heat regulation, migration, and are an excellent source for nontoxic sugars.
Where Can I Get Balanced Pet Food?
Most pet stores and pet companies, including ours, sell a variety of mixed seeds, pellets, fruits, vegetables, and supplements essential to your bird. First-time pet bird owners should research online and consult with a veterinarian before attempting to feed their friend alone. Shop for the latest mixes in dried fruits and seeds on our website at https://newyorkbirdsupply.net/